Ordering Recommendation

May be used in the assessment of multiple sclerosis to detect unique IgG oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in conjunction with a matched serum specimen. The preferred test to assess for multiple sclerosis is Oligoclonal Band Profile (0080440).

New York DOH Approval Status

This test is New York state approved.

Specimen Required

Patient Preparation

CSF AND serum separator tube or plain red.

Specimen Preparation

Allow serum to clot completely at room temperature. Separate serum from cells ASAP or within 2 hours of collection. Transport two specimens. Transfer 1.5 mL CSF to an ARUP standard transport tube (Min: 0.7 mL) AND transfer 1 mL serum to an ARUP standard transport tube. (Min: 0.6  mL).

Storage/Transport Temperature


Unacceptable Conditions

Grossly bloody or hemolyzed specimens or severe lipemia


Recommendation is for CSF and serum to be collected within 24 hours of each other. Specimens collected outside this timeframe will be accepted at ordering provider's discretion.


Ambient: Unacceptable; Refrigerated: 2 weeks; Frozen: 6 months


Qualitative Isoelectric Focusing/Electrophoresis




1-3 days

Reference Interval

Effective August 6, 2012

Test Number
Reference Interval
0081139 Oligoclonal Bands, CSF Negative
2005461 Oligoclonal Bands Number, CSF 0 - 1 Bands
Interpretation By report

Interpretive Data

To ensure accurate result interpretation, it is recommended that both CSF and serum specimens be collected on the same day. If specimens are not collected within this specified timeframe, it is advised to exercise caution when interpreting the results.

Compliance Category


Specimens must be assayed together for interpretation.
This test reports only the number of oligoclonal bands; a patient is considered positive for CSF oligoclonal bands if there are two or more bands in the CSF immunoglobulin region that are not present in the serum. In order to confirm local production of oligoclonal IgG in CSF, a matched serum sample is required. Oligoclonal bands present in CSF, but not in serum, indicate central nervous system production. Oligoclonal bands are performed using isoelectric focusing and immunofixation.

Hotline History


CPT Codes



Component Test Code* Component Chart Name LOINC
0081139 Oligoclonal Bands, CSF 48668-8
2005461 Oligoclonal Bands Number, CSF 49852-7
2005464 Oligoclonal Bands Interpretation 49293-4
* Component test codes cannot be used to order tests. The information provided here is not sufficient for interface builds; for a complete test mix, please click the sidebar link to access the Interface Map.


  • Oligoclonal IgG, CSF
  • Oliogoclonal bands, CSF
  • Oligoclonal Bands Only
  • CSF oligoclonal bands
Oligoclonal Bands in CSF and Serum