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Acute myeloid leukemias (AMLs) are heterogeneous blood cancers characterized by myeloid blasts (eg, undifferentiated myeloid precursors) in the blood, bone marrow, and/or other tissues. , These conditions include AML with myelodysplasia-related gene mutations (MDS/AML) and acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). , , In addition to morphologic evaluation of the bone marrow, immunophenotypic, cytogenetic, and molecular genetic studies are standard of care in AML and are necessary for accurate classification and risk stratification and to guide therapy. , ,
Quick Answers for Clinicians
The evaluation of minimal residual disease (MRD) in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) usually involves flow cytometry for specific immunophenotypes or real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for specific genetic abnormalities. , , MRD should be assessed following initial induction, before allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and at other times as appropriate for the treatment used. Refer to the Minimal Residual Disease section for more information.
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDSs) are rare in children. The majority of the laboratory testing strategy for pediatric AML and/or MDSs is the same as that for adult AML and/or MDSs and is discussed in the same clinical guidelines, although the prognostic implications of certain somatic genetic findings may not be established in pediatric populations or may vary between adults and children. , Many cases of pediatric AML and/or MDSs are associated with hereditary syndromes; therefore, germline genetic testing for such syndromes should be considered in individuals diagnosed with AML before 40-50 years of age. , There may also be differences between adult and pediatric testing for specific hereditary syndromes associated with bone marrow failure; for example, serum trypsinogen is tested in the evaluation of suspected Shwachman-Diamond syndrome in children, but not in adults. Individuals with Down syndrome are also at increased risk of pediatric AML.
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), European LeukemiaNet (ELN), and European Society for Molecular Oncology (ESMO) encourage clinical trial participation, , , particularly in clinical trials that offer minimal residual disease (MRD) monitoring. The identification of specific genetic findings in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) may allow for targeted clinical trial enrollment (and treatment selection). , The NCCN therefore suggests molecular testing for clinically actionable mutations at each AML relapse or progression, and the ELN recommends banking samples to facilitate research.
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing is recommended for individuals with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) for whom hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is being considered. , For more information, refer to the ARUP Consult HLA Testing topic.
Indications for Testing
Laboratory evaluation for hematologic malignancies, including AML, should be considered in individuals who present with signs of bone marrow infiltration on a CBC (eg, anemia, thrombocytopenia), constitutional symptoms (eg, fever, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss), leukocytosis with circulating peripheral blasts, and/or AML-related complications (eg, tumor lysis syndrome, disseminated intravascular coagulation [DIC], leukostasis).
Criteria for Diagnosis and Classification
The diagnosis and classification of AML are based on the results of bone marrow examination, bone marrow immunophenotyping (flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry), cytogenetic testing (karyotyping or fluorescence in situ hybridization [FISH]), and molecular genetic tests (eg, massively parallel sequencing, also referred to as next generation sequencing, or NGS). , , These tests are used to determine the percentage of blasts and identify recurrent genetic abnormalities, findings which define and distinguish between AML, MDS/AML, APL, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDSs), and B-cell or T-cell lymphoblastic leukemias and lymphomas. , , , The World Health Organization (WHO) and International Consensus Classification (ICC) vary in their classifications of AML and related entities. , The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) does not advocate for one system over the other.
Response Criteria
The therapeutic response criteria for AML are based on the results of bone marrow examination (including blast enumeration) and peripheral blood counts and may include minimal residual disease (MRD) assessment (by polymerase chain reaction [PCR] or flow cytometry). , A suitable bone marrow specimen must be obtained to evaluate for response.
Laboratory Testing
Initial Workup
In addition to a clinical assessment that includes history and physical examination, recommended laboratory testing in the initial workup of suspected AML includes a CBC with differential and platelet count, peripheral smear, metabolic panel, and uric acid, lactate dehydrogenase, vitamin B12 and B9, fibrinogen, prothrombin time, and partial thromboplastin time tests. ,
Imaging and other nonlaboratory tests may be useful, depending on the patient’s history and presentation. ,
Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspirate
Use of bone marrow core biopsy and aspirate samples for morphologic assessment, blast enumeration, immunophenotyping, cytogenetics, and molecular genetic testing is recommended. , , , The same pathologist should interpret the results of tests of all specimens, if possible. These procedures are performed in the evaluation and diagnosis of AML, to determine treatment response, to aid in prognosis and therapeutic decision-making, and in ongoing monitoring. , , ,
If adequate aspirate cannot be obtained or bone marrow examination cannot be performed for clinical reasons, peripheral blood may be used for diagnosis and other studies if there are enough blasts. , If a core biopsy specimen is available but aspirate is not, touch imprints and an unfixed, disaggregated core biopsy specimen may be used.
If recommended testing cannot be performed at diagnosis, preservation of an initial sample is recommended for later testing to inform ongoing monitoring. Collection and storage of both bone marrow and blood at diagnosis, remission, and relapse may be useful for future testing and to facilitate research.
Immunophenotyping of bone marrow is recommended in the evaluation of suspected AML and is used in diagnosis, risk stratification, and therapeutic decision-making. , , Multiparameter flow cytometry using a panel that includes markers that can distinguish between AML and other acute leukemias is the preferred test. , Peripheral blood may be used if adequate bone marrow aspirate cannot be obtained and there are enough peripheral blasts. If adequate bone marrow aspirate or peripheral blood cannot be obtained for flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry on an unfixed, disaggregated bone marrow core biopsy specimen may be used. ,
Testing for Cytogenetic Abnormalities
Cytogenetic testing is recommended as part of the evaluation of suspected AML and is used to classify AML and identify abnormalities relevant to prognosis and therapeutic decision-making. , , Karyotyping should be performed, and if not successful, FISH testing for markers associated with AML may be performed.
WHO and ICC criteria differ in terms of the somatic genetic rearrangements/abnormalities that define AML; these rearrangements/abnormalities may also be important in prognosis and therapeutic decision-making , , , and are detailed in the following table.
Cytogenetic Abnormality | WHO Classification | ICC |
RUNX1::RUNX1T1 | AML with RUNX1::RUNX1T1 fusion | AML with t(8;21)(q22;q22.1)/RUNX1::RUNX1T1a |
CBFB::MYH11 | AML with CBFB::MYH11 fusion | AML with inv(16)(p13.1q22) or t(16;16)(p13.1;q22)/CBFB::MYH11a |
PML::RARA | APL with PML::RARA fusion
| APL with t(15;17)(q24.1;q21.2)/PML::RARAa |
APL with other RARA rearrangementsa,b | ||
KMT2A rearrangement | AML with KMT2A rearrangement | AML with t(9;11)(p21.3;q23.3)/MLLT3::KMT2Aa |
AML with other KMT2A rearrangementsa,c | ||
DEK::NUP214 | AML with DEK::NUP214 fusion | AML with t(6;9)(p22.3;q34.1)/DEK::NUP214a |
MECOM rearrangement | AML with MECOM rearrangement | AML with inv(3)(q21.3q26.2) or t(3;3)(q21.3;q26.2)/GATA2; MECOM(EVI1)a |
AML with other MECOM rearrangementsa,d | ||
BCR::ABL1 | AML with BCR::ABL1 fusione | AML with t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2)/BCR::ABL1e,f |
NUP98 rearrangement | AML with NUP98 rearrangement | AML with other rare recurring translocationsa,g |
RBM15::MRTFA | AML with RBM15::MRTFA fusion | |
Other cytogenetic abnormalities | AML with other defined genetic alterationsh | |
aAt least 10% blasts required for diagnosis, per ICC. bOther RARA rearrangements include t(1;17)(q42.3;q21.2)/IRF2BP2::RARA; t(5;17)(q35.1;q21.2)/NPM1::RARA; t(11;17)(q23.2;q21.2)/ZBTB16::RARA; cryptic inv(17q) or del(17)(q21.2q21.2)/STAT5B::RARA, STAT3::RARA. Other genes are rarely rearranged with RARA:TBL1XR1 (3q26.3), FIP1L1 (4q12), BCOR (Xp11.4). cOther KMT2A rearrangements include t(4;11)(q21.3;q23.3)/AFF1::KMT2A; t(11;19)(q23.3;p13.3)/KMT2A::MLLT1; t(6;11)(q27;q23.3)/AFDN::KMT2A; t(10;11)(p12.3;q23.3)/MLLT10::KMT2A; t(10;11)(q21.3;q23.3)/TET1::KMT2A; t(11;19)(q23.3;p13.1)/KMT2A::ELL. dOther MECOM rearrangements include t(2;3)(p11~23;q26.2)/MECOM::?; t(3;8)(q26.2;q24.2)/MYC, MECOM; t(3;12)(q26.2;p13.2)/ETV6::MECOM; t(3;21)(q26.2;q22.1)/MECOM::RUNX1. eAt least 20% blasts required for diagnosis, per WHO. fPer the ICC, the entity with BCR::ABL1 and ≥10-19% blasts is not classified as MDS/AML because it overlaps with chronic myeloid leukemia. gOther rare recurring translocations include t(1;3)(p36.3;q21.3)/PRDM16::RPN1; t(3;5)(q25.3;q35.1)/NPM1::MLF1; t(8;16)(p11.2;p13.3)/KAT6A::CREBBP; t(10;11)(p12.3;q14.2)/PICALM::MLLT10; t(16;21)(p11.2;q22.2)/FUS::ERG; t(16;21)(q24.3;q22.1)/RUNX1::CBFA2T3; and the following found mainly in children and infants: t(1;22)(p13.3;q13.1)/RBM15::MRTF1; t(5;11)(q35.2;p15.4/NUP98::NSD1; t(11;12)(p15.4;p13.3)/NUP98::KMD5A; NUP98 and other partners; t(7;12)(q36.3;p13.2)/ETV6::MNX1; inv(16)(p13.3q24.3)/CBFA2T3::GLIS2. hOther defined genetic alterations include RUNX1T3(CBFA2T3)::GLIS2; KAT6A::CREBBP; FUS::ERG; MNX1::ETV6; NPM1::MLF1. |
Other cytogenetic abnormalities important in AML include myelodysplasia-related cytogenetic abnormalities, specifically, complex karyotype and/or del(5q)/t(5q)/add(5q), -7/del(7q), +8, del(12p)/t(12p)/add(12p), i(17q), -17/add(17p)/del(17p), del(20q), or idic(X)(q13). ,
Refer to the European LeukemiaNet (ELN) recommendations for specific variant-based risk stratification information. ,
Molecular Genetic Testing for Other Somatic Variants
An evaluation of somatic molecular markers by PCR (for individual mutations) or NGS (for multigene panel testing) is recommended in all individuals with AML. , This testing is important for classification, risk assessment, and prognosis in AML and may guide treatment decisions. , , A platform that tests for molecular genetic mutations and chromosomal rearrangements at the same time may be considered. Caution is recommended when interpreting the results of panel tests performed on tumor tissue because somatic reversion may yield false-negative results. Copy number variants (CNVs) are important mutations in AML but may not be detected by all panels.
WHO and ICC criteria differ in terms of the somatic gene mutations that define AML; these mutations may also be important in prognosis and therapeutic decision-making , , , and are detailed in the following table.
AML with NPM1 mutation | AML with mutated NPM1a |
AML with CEBPA mutationb,c | AML with in-frame bZIP CEBPA mutationsa |
Not included | AMLb,d and MDS/AML14 with mutated TP53 |
a≥10% blasts required for diagnosis. b≥20% blasts required for diagnosis. cCEBPA mutations include biallelic mutations (biCEBPA) and single mutations in the bZIP region (smbZIP-CEBPA). dAt least 1 pathogenic TP53 mutation with VAF ≥10%. VAF, variant allele frequency |
Other somatic gene mutations that are important in AML include , :
- c-KIT (for risk stratification)
- FLT3-ITD and FLT3-TKD mutations (for targeted therapy)
- IDH1/IDH2 mutations (for targeted therapy)
- Myelodysplasia-related gene mutations: ASXL1, BCOR, EZH2, RUNX1, SF3B1, SRSF2, STAG2, U2AF1, ZRSR2
Refer to the ELN recommendations for specific variant-based risk stratification information. ,
Monitoring and Surveillance
Minimal Residual Disease
MRD, also referred to as measurable residual disease, refers to small populations of leukemic cells that remain after treatment. The detection of MRD may be useful in determining response, remission, or relapse; in relapse risk assessment; in prognosis; in treatment decision-making; and as a surrogate endpoint in clinical trials. , , In AML, MRD testing is usually performed via real-time quantitative PCR, droplet digital PCR (ddPCR), or multiparameter flow cytometry for specific abnormalities detected at diagnosis. , , In most clinical laboratories, NGS is generally not used for MRD assessment because it is not as sensitive as flow cytometry and PCR tests, although the data from error-corrected NGS is promising in ongoing research. , , Thresholds for detecting MRD are different from thresholds used for diagnosis; therefore, MRD-specific assays are recommended. ,
MRD testing is recommended after initial induction and before stem cell transplantation and may be performed at other times, depending on the specific treatment administered. The use of a high-quality bone marrow sample (an early pull of bone marrow aspirate) is especially important for MRD assessment in AML and is recommended in most cases, although peripheral blood may be used for some assays.
Flow cytometry for specific immunophenotypes or PCR for specific genetic abnormalities on bone marrow aspirate specimens is used in ongoing MRD monitoring. The specific strategy for and cadence of monitoring depends on the diagnosis and type of treatment. Multigene panel testing may be useful to aid in treatment decision-making and clinical trial enrollment and should be considered at each progression or relapse.
Other Monitoring Tests
Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy are performed during monitoring in AML. , Other tests used in monitoring include, but are not limited to, blood urea nitrogen, CBCs with differentials, coagulation tests, liver and kidney function tests, and creatinine, electrolyte, phosphorous, platelet, and uric acid tests. The frequency of testing depends on the specifics of therapy and other clinical indications. Refer to the NCCN guidelines for recommended testing cadences.
CBCs with differentials and peripheral smears are used to surveil for relapse in AML. Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy may be performed depending on the results of other tests. Refer to the NCCN guidelines for the recommended testing cadence.
The role of molecular testing in surveillance is a matter of ongoing research.
Hereditary Cancer Assessment
Germline molecular genetic testing for hereditary hematologic malignancies may be informative, particularly in individuals who:
- Have been diagnosed with AML at any age
- Have a somatic variant associated with a potential germline variant
- Have a personal history of two or more cancers
- Have a personal history of a hematologic cancer with a family history of hematologic abnormalities, any cancer, or early cancer diagnosis
Germline molecular testing in AML may take the form of a targeted NGS panel or whole exome or genome sequencing (WES/WGS) and assessment for CNVs (eg, as part of WES/WGS or via I microarray). ,
Several genes have been associated with inherited AML, MDS/AML overlap conditions, and related conditions (eg, some anemias). , , , Such genes, which may be included in a panel test, include ACD, ANKRD26, ATG2B, BLM, BRCA1, BRCA2, CBL, CEBPA, CHEK2, CTC1, DDX41, DKC1, DNAJC21, EFL1, ELANE, ERCC6L2, ETV6, FANCA, FANCB, FANCC, FANCD1/BRCA2, FANCD2, FANCE, FANCF, FANCG, FANCI, FANCJ/BRIP1/BACH1, FANCL, FANCM, FANCN/PALB2, FANCO/RAD51C, FANCP/SLX4, FANQ/ERCC4, FANCR/RAD51, FANCS/BRCA1, FANCT/UBE2T, FANCU/XRCC2, FANCV/REV7/MAD2L2, G6PC3, GATA1, GATA2, GFI1, GSKIP, HAX1, JAGN, KRAS, MDM4, MLH1, MPL, MSH2, MSH6, NAF1, NBN NF1, NHP2, NOP10, NPM1, NRAS, PARN, PMS2, POT1, PTPN11, RECQL4, RPA1, RPL5, RPL11, RPL15, RPL23, RPL26, RPL27, RPL31, RPL35A, RPS7, RPS10, RPS17, RPS19, RPS24, RPS26, RPS27, RPS28, RPS29, RTEL1, RUNX1, SAMD9/SAMD9L, SBDS, SRP54, TCRG1, TERC, TERT, TINF2, TSR2, VPS45A, WAS, WRAP53, and ZCCHC8. , , , , Additional germline variants associated with AML and related disorders are also being researched.
ARUP Laboratory Tests
Flow Cytometry
Giemsa Band
Giemsa Band/Genomic Microarray (Oligo-SNP array)
Giemsa Band/Genomic Microarray (Oligo-SNP array)
Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction
Quantitative Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction
Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction
Quantitative Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction
Capillary Electrophoresis
Massively Parallel Sequencing
Massively Parallel Sequencing
Massively Parallel Sequencing
Massively Parallel Sequencing
NCCN - acute myeloid leukemia v3.2024
National Comprehensive Cancer Network. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology: acute myeloid leukemia. Version 3.2024. Updated May 2024; accessed May 2024.
Arber DA, Orazi A, Hasserjian RP, et al. International Consensus Classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemias: integrating morphologic, clinical, and genomic data. Blood. 2022;140(11):1200-1228.
Khoury JD, Solary E, Abla O, et al. The 5th edition of the World Health Organization classification of haematolymphoid tumours: myeloid and histiocytic/dendritic neoplasms. Leukemia. 2022;36(7):1703-1719.
Döhner H, Wei AH, Appelbaum FR, et al. Diagnosis and management of AML in adults: 2022 recommendations from an international expert panel on behalf of the ELN. Blood. 2022;140(12):1345-1377.
Heuser M, Ofran Y, Boissel N, et, al. Acute myeloid leukaemia in adult patients: ESMO clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann Oncol. 2020;31(6):697-712.
NCCN - myelodysplastic syndromes v1.2024
National Comprehensive Cancer Network. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology: myelodysplastic syndromes. Version 1.2024. Updated Feb 2024; accessed May 2024.
de Haas V, Ismaila N, Advani A, et al. Initial diagnostic work-up of acute leukemia: ASCO clinical practice guideline endorsement of the College of American Pathologists and American Society of Hematology guideline. J Clin Oncol. 2019;37(3):239-253.