Disease Topics — Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a chronic autoimmune liver disease (ALD) that is characterized by hypergammaglobulinemia. If diagnosed and treated promptly, patients can expect a normal or nearly nor
Algorithm — A patient may have symptoms of liver disease or hepatitis without a clear cause. If the patient has elevated transaminases but all viral serologies are negative, more testing is needed.
Disease Topics — Hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver, may be caused by viral infection. Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E viruses (HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, and HEV) infect hepatocytes and cause acute or chronic hepatitis.
Disease Topics — There is a broad spectrum of laboratory tests used to evaluate liver function and liver damage. Colloquially, these are referred to as liver function tests, although they are not all direct measures of liver function.
Disease Topics — Connective tissue or systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARDs) are characterized by autoantibodies that can affect tissues and organs throughout the body.
Disease Topics — Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), previously referred to as primary biliary cirrhosis, is an autoimmune liver disorder characterized by chronic, progressive cholestatic disease.
Disease Topics — Sjögren syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of exocrine glands that results in dry eyes and dry mouth; other common symptoms include fatigue and joint pain.
Disease Topics — Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a progressive autoimmune liver disease (ALD) that often leads to cirrhosis and may eventually require liver transplantation.
Disease Topics — Hemophilia A and hemophilia B are bleeding disorders caused by genetic variants in the F8 or F9 gene that result in deficiencies of factor VIII in hemophilia A or factor IX in hemophilia B, respectively.